We are currently in the middle of the sixth season, which means that the year 2022 is flying by very quickly. We hope that everything is going well for you in the competitive grind and tournament matches, and that you are getting closer and closer to reaching the Pro Tier in Rocket Pass. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. It was wonderful to see so many of you in Los Angeles for the RLCS Winter Major, which was sold out, and we hope that our friends in Europe will be able to participate in the Spring Major that will be held in July. The event will be held in Los Angeles. In addition, those of you who take pleasure in playing Rocket League Sideswipe should make it a point to check out the Season 3 Rewards by clicking here.
Rocket League's Knockout mode is one of the most creative game modes we have ever added, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has taken part in it. We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who provided us with feedback during the Knockout Bash Megathread that was hosted on the subreddit. We would also like to extend our gratitude to all of the creators who took part in the discussion and demonstrated to the community what the new mode is all about. We are going to give all of the feedback some time to percolate before we announce any upcoming changes or plans involving Knockout. However, in the meantime, we would like to highlight two major points of feedback that have been resonating throughout the community:Even though many of you jumped right into Knockout and picked it up with ease, you still want a more in-depth tutorial when we're introducing a mode type that's so drastically different from what you're used to seeing in competitive play. This is because Knockout is a mode that rewards players with trophies based on their performance in a round of Knockout. We are paying close attention, in particular, to the feedback that has been provided concerning Trinity, and in particular how Grabs factor in in comparison to Attacks and Blocks.
Since the beginning of Season 6 in March, we have also revisited previous episodes and read through a significant portion of the conversation that is connected to them. We are going to acknowledge a few key pieces of feedback that a lot of you have given to us, even though we are not going to commit to making any specific changes at this time:
Since we are aware that Neo Tokyo (Comic) did not live up to the expectations of a significant number of you, we have made the decision to remove it from rotation in competitive playlists for the time being. As we move forward with the development of Arenas for upcoming seasons, we will be sure to take this feedback into consideration.
Regarding the content of the sixth season, we have gotten a lot of feedback, including compliments and criticisms
1. It would appear that some of you found the Tooth Scary Wheels to be a little too unsettling, but Nomster, in any of its incarnations, continues to be a popular choice
2. We are really excited to see players embrace Nomad, which makes use of the Merc hitbox, because The Potato is a bit of a departure when compared to many of our recent car bodies
3. This has brought a huge smile to both of our faces
In conclusion, it can be said that the outcomes of the Season 5 Rewards were a little bit of everything. There were a lot of people who were thrilled to learn about the new Goal Explosions, but there were also a lot of people who wished that we would remove the Rank icons from some of the reward items but keep the colors that are associated with them. Due to the fact that a sizeable portion of this blog is devoted to the perspectives of players, we would like to direct your attention to two threads that were initiated during Season 6 and that are currently serving as the foundation for changes that will be implemented during Season 7: Earlier in the current season, there was a conversation that took place that brought to light the possibility that certain actions in Rocket League involving the use of Drops, Blueprints, and Credits might have alternative default options. In preparation for the upcoming seventh season, we are discussing the possibility of implementing some changes to this. A freestyler started a significant amount of conversation on Twitter and Reddit about the speed of the ball on a variety of Arena walls, and it was all because of the speed of the ball. Before the start of Season 7, we are putting in a lot of effort to get this problem sorted out so that the speed at which the ball moves in corners is uniform across the board. This is something that is very important to us. Despite the fact that automated testing is utilized throughout the entirety of Rocket League, we found that this is a flaw in the game that we will work to address in the near future. In more recent times, there has also been a sufficient amount of discussion regarding game servers. Even though we are constantly monitoring the performance of the servers, making use of the 'Report Server' button that can be found within the game client is the most effective method for assisting us in improving the overall quality of our servers over time. The number of hits that the report function receives determines the amount of additional information that is made available to us so that we may take appropriate action. As we mentioned in the most recent Community Update, we are continuing to keep a close eye on the newly expanded player report reasons while we continue to monitor the game. At the moment, a number of different ban systems are being developed with the intention of processing reports for match throwing or grieving as well as intentionally idle behavior. These two patterns of conduct are going to be prohibited. If these systems are going to continue to contribute to the development of the best possible in-game experience, it is absolutely necessary for players to continue to report inappropriate behavior. Because of certain player behaviors, the environment that buy Rocket League credits provides for its players is not one that is safe and encouraging, and the more reports we receive about these behaviors, the better we can understand what those behaviors are. Let's move on to the next topic, which is voice chat, since that's out of the way. We would like to express our gratitude to you for your endurance, and we are ecstatic to let you know that voice chat has been brought back into the game. This brings us one step closer to achieving our original goal of enabling voice chat during the Season 6 tournaments. The new voice chat system for Rocket League Blueprints was not an easy task for us to integrate because it is linked to our party system, Epic Online Services, and parental controls for player accounts that belong to younger players. As a direct result of this, we are looking forward to receiving feedback from you over the course of the following few weeks regarding these newly added features. Make sure you take a look at the patch notes for version 2.15 if you have any inquiries regarding the capabilities of voice chat and the specifics of how it works.
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